- Fair Trade

Fair Trade
Nextchip respects the human rights of employees and all stakeholders
and strives to implement human rights principles across its business activities.
- Article 1 Ethics on Fair Trading
1.Nextchip Co., Ltd. respects fair and free market economy order in accordance with the principle of free competition, and compete with rivalries fairly and comply with laws related to fair trading and transactions.
2.Nextchip Co., Ltd. pursues win-win cooperation with clients and partners through fair trading, based on mutual trust and respect. Furthermore, we support continuing and sustainable growth with them.
- Article 2 Purpose and Scope of Fair Trading
1.These Regulations on Fair Trading aim to contribute to healthy and sound growth of industry by guiding the members of Nextchip to comply with relevant laws strictly and to achieve fair performance of work in all their activities and businesses.
2.These Regulations of Fair Trading shall be applied to all members of Nextchip, the executives and staff members alike.
3.Anyone who becomes aware of the violation of these Regulations committed by a member of Nextchip may report the issue to the HR department, labor-management council, compliance officer, and/or report center officer (dedicated department) via email, fax, or telephone. The violation of these Regulations will be subject to disciplinary action and punishment in accordance with the corporate bylaws.
- Article 3 Pursuit of Free Competition
1.We respect the market economic order with responsibility and transparency and participate in the practice of fair trading, fully and actively.
2.We eliminate improper joint action or unfair trading that harms the fairness and trust of customers.
3.All transactions with partners and suppliers will be conducted on equal terms. Rejection, suspension, or restriction of transaction details and conditions without a justifiable reason are prohibited.
4.We prohibit making improper demand of technical materials from partners and suppliers. When using the technology or asset of a partner company, an approval must be obtained first.
- Article 4. Compliance
1.We respect the trading practices of the countries and regions where we conduct our business. All members of Nextchip should comply with all applicable laws and regulations, voluntarily.
2.Usage of unfair terms and conditions, and false and fraudulent advertisement and representation are prohibited.
3.Forcing our partners or suppliers to purchase certain products against their will, and/or demanding economic benefit in exchange for the transaction are prohibited.
4.Directing, approving and abetting an act of violation of fair trade laws or the bylaws of the Company are strictly prohibited. In the case where such violation is likely to occur or is anticipated, the person noticing the issue should report it to the HR department, labor-management council, compliance officer, and/or report center officer, immediately.
- Article 5 Win-Win Corporation
1.We offer all qualified partners and suppliers an equal opportunity to participate in the business with us. Partners are selected reasonably and objectively, by applying fair standards and criteria.
2.The transaction conditions and procedure of all business deals should be mutually and thoroughly negotiated between the parties, and any trade secret obtained in the negotiation course should be kept confident.
3.We pursue mutual prosperity with our partners through support and business cooperation.
4.We support our partners’ protection of human rights of their employees and transparency in supply chains to the fullest extent, so that they do not engage in any activity that violates human rights and the environment.
- Article 6 Compliance with the Principle of Fair Trading
1.(Fair Trading)
① Nextchip Co., Ltd. complies with relevant fair trade laws, such as the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act and the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising, and compete fairly with other entities. The management of Nextchip supports the members’ voluntary compliance with fair trade laws and regulations, to the fullest extent possible.
② The members of Nextchip do not infringe the business information or intellectual property rights of partner companies or clients, improperly.
③ We prohibit any and all types of collusion that may disturb the market order and harm the customers’ interest.
④ We provide our customers and consumers with accurate information about our products and services, and do not make false or fraudulent advertisements.2.(Win-Win Growth)
① In business relationships with our clients and partner companies, we pursue mutual growth through fair dealings based on mutual trust and respect. Furthermore, we support continuing mutual growth with them.
- Article 7 Monitoring of Ethical Management
1.Nextchip Co., Ltd. may check and monitor the state of ethical management regularly. If the criteria of interpreting the Code of Ethics and/or the Detailed Guidelines of Ethical Management are unclear when applying the rules, Nextchip members should report the matter to the head of a relevant group and the HR officer for consultation. More important matters should be submitted to the CEO for interpretation
2.To understand the state of ethical management, Nextchip will monitor the members' level of understanding of the Code of Ethics through the self-compliance checklist at least once a year, and will guide them to conduct self-diagnosis on their own level of ethical performance. The report that contains the result of monitoring will serve as the source of improving the vulnerabilities detected in the monitoring and self-diagnosis processes.
- Article 8 Ethical Management Education
1.The managers should establish and implement an education plan for compliance and establishment of ethical management so that all members of Nextchip, or new employees and employees in issue can comply and practice the Code of Ethics, and the Detailed Guidelines of Ethical Management
2.The education in paragraph 1 should be provided at least once a year. After completing the education, all members of Nextchip, executives and staff members alike, should sign the Declaration of Anti-Corruption and Commitment to Ethical Management and submit it.
3.We provide ethical management training to our subsidiaries, contractors and partner companies.
4.If violation of the ethical regulations occurs, we disclose the details of the case with our countermeasure and the results thereafter, and provide rectifying education.